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rick rubin

Turning off Your Brain: The Key to Creative Decision Making?

    Sleep. It’s a complicated topic. And one particularly close to creatives’ hearts. In my experience, we tend to come in two different groups: the big sleepers and the little sleepers. The ones that can go for a full circle around the clock after finishing something great, and the ones grabbing only a few hours before the crack of dawn, waiting for sunrise as they start working on something new. I lean towards that second category myself. By the way, when I say falling asleep in the studio, I don’t mean the post-session naps. You know, the ones you take on… Read More »Turning off Your Brain: The Key to Creative Decision Making?

    Redefining Music Production: What Does The Big Word Even Mean Today?

      What is music production? Or its more colloquial variant, what the fuck do you even do? And why should I hire you, mate? Even people in our industry seem confused by the term. Especially artists. They pop the question a lot. It ranks pretty high on Google. Which is why I’m writing today, obviously. Be a lamb and say a prayer to the SEO gods for me, please. It seems like, if you have a laptop, an audio interface and a pair of headphones, you qualify as a music producer. That’s pretty much it. If you have an USB microphone,… Read More »Redefining Music Production: What Does The Big Word Even Mean Today?