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real talk

Mastering Your Own Mixes? Think Again

    Mastering your own mixes makes zero sense. There, I said it. I see so many young cats these days doing everything themselves. Everything. On the one hand, I’m proud of them for not being afraid. On the other, I resent them for not realising their mistake. Mastering your own tracks is the biggest de-service you can do them. There is a reason why we have mastering engineers. There’s also a reason why mastering studios cost a fortune to build. These days, though, none of that seems to matter anymore. Anyone with a laptop and a (cracked) license for Ozone will… Read More »Mastering Your Own Mixes? Think Again

    The Music Industry Is Saturated, Right?

      Ever heard that uplifting statement? I’m not the first one to get depressed about where things are going, but still, I need to call bullshit where I see it. The music industry, as flawed as it is (and always was, to be fair), is not going anywhere. Is it saturated? I don’t think so. It only seems like it. The advent of social media levelled the playing field, and we all start from the ground up now. Sure, with a hard-working team and a solid PR campaign, you can start climbing pretty fast. Sprinkle it with some of the fairy… Read More »The Music Industry Is Saturated, Right?