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Mastering Your Own Mixes? Think Again

    Mastering your own mixes makes zero sense. There, I said it. I see so many young cats these days doing everything themselves. Everything. On the one hand, I’m proud of them for not being afraid. On the other, I resent them for not realising their mistake. Mastering your own tracks is the biggest de-service you can do them. There is a reason why we have mastering engineers. There’s also a reason why mastering studios cost a fortune to build. These days, though, none of that seems to matter anymore. Anyone with a laptop and a (cracked) license for Ozone will… Read More »Mastering Your Own Mixes? Think Again

    Layers: A Brief Chat on the Lost Art of Arranging.

      Arranging is a hard way to make a living these days. It used to be a proper craft, but people don’t even think about it anymore. Nowadays, it’s one of those things that, as a producer, you need to do, but don’t really get credit (or get paid) for. Yet you have to do it. A song without an arrangement is like a bloke who went out shopping for clothes. He bought loads of nice things, but he doesn’t have a clue about how to put them together into a coherent outfit. I don’t care who you are: if you… Read More »Layers: A Brief Chat on the Lost Art of Arranging.