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Turning off Your Brain: The Key to Creative Decision Making?

    Sleep. It’s a complicated topic. And one particularly close to creatives’ hearts. In my experience, we tend to come in two different groups: the big sleepers and the little sleepers. The ones that can go for a full circle around the clock after finishing something great, and the ones grabbing only a few hours before the crack of dawn, waiting for sunrise as they start working on something new. I lean towards that second category myself. By the way, when I say falling asleep in the studio, I don’t mean the post-session naps. You know, the ones you take on… Read More »Turning off Your Brain: The Key to Creative Decision Making?

    Before Coffee: The Magical Mornings.

      I’m an early riser. Please wait a minute before rushing out the door. I promise I won’t be selling the perfect morning routine here. Everyone’s been doing that for years now. Trying to look into the lives of very successful people. Finding out when they get up and what they do in that first hour or two, or the whole day even. As always, we’ve pushed things too far. It has gotten to a point where it’s ridiculous. Every wannabe coach is giving a step-by-step guide, a tightly incremented morning schedule. The guilt factor is huge. If you aren’t doing… Read More »Before Coffee: The Magical Mornings.

      Redefining Music Production: What Does The Big Word Even Mean Today?

        What is music production? Or its more colloquial variant, what the fuck do you even do? And why should I hire you, mate? Even people in our industry seem confused by the term. Especially artists. They pop the question a lot. It ranks pretty high on Google. Which is why I’m writing today, obviously. Be a lamb and say a prayer to the SEO gods for me, please. It seems like, if you have a laptop, an audio interface and a pair of headphones, you qualify as a music producer. That’s pretty much it. If you have an USB microphone,… Read More »Redefining Music Production: What Does The Big Word Even Mean Today?