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Turning off Your Brain: The Key to Creative Decision Making?

    Sleep. It’s a complicated topic. And one particularly close to creatives’ hearts. In my experience, we tend to come in two different groups: the big sleepers and the little sleepers. The ones that can go for a full circle around the clock after finishing something great, and the ones grabbing only a few hours before the crack of dawn, waiting for sunrise as they start working on something new. I lean towards that second category myself. By the way, when I say falling asleep in the studio, I don’t mean the post-session naps. You know, the ones you take on… Read More »Turning off Your Brain: The Key to Creative Decision Making?

    Mastering Your Own Mixes? Think Again

      Mastering your own mixes makes zero sense. There, I said it. I see so many young cats these days doing everything themselves. Everything. On the one hand, I’m proud of them for not being afraid. On the other, I resent them for not realising their mistake. Mastering your own tracks is the biggest de-service you can do them. There is a reason why we have mastering engineers. There’s also a reason why mastering studios cost a fortune to build. These days, though, none of that seems to matter anymore. Anyone with a laptop and a (cracked) license for Ozone will… Read More »Mastering Your Own Mixes? Think Again

      Pouring Petrol on the Fire – Stories from the Vault

        Alright, sit down, make yourself at home, it’s story time. Today I’m introducing a new series of posts called Stories from the Vault. In this new format, I’ll share personal stories from my journey in the music industry. I’ll try to only tell a story if there is a clear takeaway for you. The whole point is to encourage you on your own journey, and maybe show you some ropes I wish I was shown. Without further build-up, let’s get to it. Many years ago, as a student, I worked on a score for a short movie. I had been… Read More »Pouring Petrol on the Fire – Stories from the Vault

        The Music Industry Is Saturated, Right?

          Ever heard that uplifting statement? I’m not the first one to get depressed about where things are going, but still, I need to call bullshit where I see it. The music industry, as flawed as it is (and always was, to be fair), is not going anywhere. Is it saturated? I don’t think so. It only seems like it. The advent of social media levelled the playing field, and we all start from the ground up now. Sure, with a hard-working team and a solid PR campaign, you can start climbing pretty fast. Sprinkle it with some of the fairy… Read More »The Music Industry Is Saturated, Right?