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Mixing Is Arranging.

      Mixing is arranging. Nowadays most mixing problems stem from lack of decisions. If your song sounds muddy, it probably is. Too much information fighting for the same frequencies. Good arranging is like good writing. You aim to convey your message in the fewest possible number of words. Clarify your idea. Use fewer words. Fewer notes. Fewer instruments. When facing this problem, try muting parts one by one. Appreciate the difference, then decide. Complex and busy arrangements do have their place. But it takes a lot of experience to make them work seamlessly. ﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋ Alma Mater Today I’m featuring this… Read More »Mixing Is Arranging.

    Layers: A Brief Chat on the Lost Art of Arranging.

      Arranging is a hard way to make a living these days. It used to be a proper craft, but people don’t even think about it anymore. Nowadays, it’s one of those things that, as a producer, you need to do, but don’t really get credit (or get paid) for. Yet you have to do it. A song without an arrangement is like a bloke who went out shopping for clothes. He bought loads of nice things, but he doesn’t have a clue about how to put them together into a coherent outfit. I don’t care who you are: if you… Read More »Layers: A Brief Chat on the Lost Art of Arranging.