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Summer Break: Music Theory Basics in 15 Minutes Flat

    Complicated looking music score, many notes and alterations, very dumb. The Basics of Music Theory in 15 Minutes Flat
    It doesn’t have to be this complicated…

    Last week, I wrote a proper article in which I tried my best to piss off the guitar players in my audience. But today I’m back with another entry in The Summer Break Series.

    Coz dammit, what a weird summer. The weather has been insane all over Europe. I hope you are all alright out there, as this world is getting crazier by the minute. Let’s turn to the strong healing powers of music. Please sit down, it’s story time.

    For the most part, I grew up a self-taught musician. I was lucky enough to be taught cowboy chords by my dear uncle, how to hold the guitar and all that. I later proceeded to unlearn most of that to go do my own stupid thing. It lead to a weird hand placement and pick technique that I’m still trying to correct.
    But I digress.

    My point is, music theory was not on the menu. Every time I’d ask fellow musicians about it, I’d get even more confused. My questions were never answered properly, and I’d end up with ten new ones. Sounds familiar?
    If it does, stay with me. If you are a classically trained musician, you won’t learn anything here today, so go read this or that instead.

    Back to the theory. I’ve always been a strong opponent of knowing it all. To me, it removes some of the magic of stumbling upon cool things on your instrument. With that being said, it’s quite helpful to have a working understanding of the basics.

    So if you’re still struggling with these, or need a little refresher, here’s Guy Michelmore. This British composer runs an awesome Youtube channel that I encourage you to check out. But for today, this video will be enough! Here’s everything you need to know in fifteen minutes top.
    Ready, start, go!




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