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CD Baby Stopped Selling CDs: The End of an Era?

    *Disclaimer: this is not an affiliate post in any shape or form. I’m not getting a dime from CD Baby for writing this. If they do read it, though, I’d appreciate some dollars sent my way.* When a company stops selling the product they named themselves after, something is quite wrong. CD Baby did just that a few months ago. The news, while huge, disappeared from the radar pretty fast. There were a few articles about it, but I don’t remember big agitated discussion in any of my music communities. How weird. This very medium made music affordable to anyone.… Read More »CD Baby Stopped Selling CDs: The End of an Era?

    Summer Break: Does Your Music Sound Amateurish?

      Here we are, The Summer Break Series, Volume 5. August is always a busy month for me. As the cities spill onto the beaches, studio rates go down. It’s the best time of the year to work on the indie-est of projects. I always try to take some time off as well, go see my family in France, and make some music for myself. That adds up pretty fast to a busy summer. This year is no different. Even busier than the previous one, actually. Not complaining: busy is good. Makes me feel alive. But I digress. Today I want… Read More »Summer Break: Does Your Music Sound Amateurish?

      Summer Break: Music Theory Basics in 15 Minutes Flat

        Last week, I wrote a proper article in which I tried my best to piss off the guitar players in my audience. But today I’m back with another entry in The Summer Break Series. Coz dammit, what a weird summer. The weather has been insane all over Europe. I hope you are all alright out there, as this world is getting crazier by the minute. Let’s turn to the strong healing powers of music. Please sit down, it’s story time. For the most part, I grew up a self-taught musician. I was lucky enough to be taught cowboy chords by… Read More »Summer Break: Music Theory Basics in 15 Minutes Flat

        The Les Paul: The Worst Guitar Gibson Has Ever Made?

          Oooh, I can hear you lads from here. Through the screen and from hundreds of kilometres away. The gasps and the screams. What is he saying? How dare he insult the finest piece of guitar history ever designed by the Kalamazoo syndicate?! The guitar that inspired so many and became the emblem of rock’n’roll? A shape so iconic it became a logo? A shape so legendary that it never went out of style? It’s true: the Les Paul and its shape are very much alive. It still is one of the most copied designs on the market. Gibson itself releases… Read More »The Les Paul: The Worst Guitar Gibson Has Ever Made?

          Summer Break: The 1000 True Fans Theory

            Today we continue the Summer Break Series. The idea is simple: I’m taking a little break from writing during the busy (and hot) summer months. Instead of leaving you high and dry, I’m using the opportunity to introduce you to some inspiring content. Sometimes you may already be familiar with it, like last week with Rick Beato’s channel. Sporting an impressive 3.5 million subscribers, he doesn’t need my help. I still wanted to share that video in particular, because these long interviews are pure gold. It might happen again today, as I’ll be writing about Damian Keyes. If you’re already familiar… Read More »Summer Break: The 1000 True Fans Theory