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Mixing Is Arranging.

      Mixing is arranging. Nowadays most mixing problems stem from lack of decisions. If your song sounds muddy, it probably is. Too much information fighting for the same frequencies. Good arranging is like good writing. You aim to convey your message in the fewest possible number of words. Clarify your idea. Use fewer words. Fewer notes. Fewer instruments. When facing this problem, try muting parts one by one. Appreciate the difference, then decide. Complex and busy arrangements do have their place. But it takes a lot of experience to make them work seamlessly. ﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋ Alma Mater Today I’m featuring this… Read More »Mixing Is Arranging.

    Vrijeme je za pauzu.

      Sit down, have a cold drink. This might be a rant. I’m not sure, I don’t know much about the internet.   August arrived without my permission. I’ll be straight with you: that pissed me off a little. I don’t know where you are, but over here it’s scorching. And it’s been this way for a while. If you know one thing about me, it’s that I don’t do well in the heat. The heat of battle, setting up microphones and handling the rush of ideas behind the desk of a big studio, this one I manage fine. But when… Read More »Vrijeme je za pauzu.

      From Jazz with Love: On Capturing the Moment

        I love jazz. It’s no secret at this point. It didn’t use to be that way, though. For the longest time, I was very intimidated by it. The players’ skill and the complexity of the music was scary to a self-taught, alt-rock musician. I was trying to understand the music, but couldn’t. I thought it was show-offy and too complex for no goddamned reason. Then, at some point, it flipped. I started to enjoy it. I understood. I understood there was nothing to understand. Some sub-genres of jazz are quite intellectual and still too complex for my taste. But most… Read More »From Jazz with Love: On Capturing the Moment

        Turning off Your Brain: The Key to Creative Decision Making?

          Sleep. It’s a complicated topic. And one particularly close to creatives’ hearts. In my experience, we tend to come in two different groups: the big sleepers and the little sleepers. The ones that can go for a full circle around the clock after finishing something great, and the ones grabbing only a few hours before the crack of dawn, waiting for sunrise as they start working on something new. I lean towards that second category myself. By the way, when I say falling asleep in the studio, I don’t mean the post-session naps. You know, the ones you take on… Read More »Turning off Your Brain: The Key to Creative Decision Making?

          Mastering Your Own Mixes? Think Again

            Mastering your own mixes makes zero sense. There, I said it. I see so many young cats these days doing everything themselves. Everything. On the one hand, I’m proud of them for not being afraid. On the other, I resent them for not realising their mistake. Mastering your own tracks is the biggest de-service you can do them. There is a reason why we have mastering engineers. There’s also a reason why mastering studios cost a fortune to build. These days, though, none of that seems to matter anymore. Anyone with a laptop and a (cracked) license for Ozone will… Read More »Mastering Your Own Mixes? Think Again