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Summer Break: The 1000 True Fans Theory

    Dave Grohl, Foo Fighters frontman, arms up, surrounded by a huge audience, in a big stadium concert. 1000 True Fans Theory.
    Been a while since I featured David Grohl… [Credits: PBS]

    Today we continue the Summer Break Series. The idea is simple: I’m taking a little break from writing during the busy (and hot) summer months. Instead of leaving you high and dry, I’m using the opportunity to introduce you to some inspiring content.

    Sometimes you may already be familiar with it, like last week with Rick Beato’s channel. Sporting an impressive 3.5 million subscribers, he doesn’t need my help. I still wanted to share that video in particular, because these long interviews are pure gold.

    It might happen again today, as I’ll be writing about Damian Keyes.

    If you’re already familiar with his work, wonderful! I can only encourage you to watch more. If you’re not, you’re in for a treat.

    Damian is a Welsh (yes, you read it right) Nashville-based musician and music educator. He runs his own program called DK Music Academy, as well as a successful YouTube channel. I’ll give it to you straight: if you’re an indie artist, you need Damian in your life. Period.

    He will teach you how to build a fanbase and get your music heard. I know, I know, you’ve read that before, but he’s quite different. His no-bullshit mentality is very refreshing. You can count on him to always say it like it is, and sometimes you won’t like what he has to say.
    Damian has a wonderful talent for giving you a kick in the arse. He’ll make you be more creative and try new things, instead of feeling sorry for yourself.

    The video I’m sharing below is titled How to Get 1000 Genuine Fans in 30 days. Quite ambitious, innit? If you’re not familiar with the “1000 true fans” concept, it was introduced in 2008 by Kevin Kelly. Late to the party? No sweat, you can catch up here. I’ll wait.

    This is only the tip of the iceberg, though. Damian shares a lot of quality content, including strategies and release plans. He updates the latter every year, adjusting as the music industry evolves. His YouTube channel is a true goldmine. That alone will get you far, if you implement what he’s teaching. But if you’re ready for more, you can also join his academy or hire him to work on your project.

    I hope the video inspires you, and I’ll see you next Thursday! Maybe even for one of my own posts, who knows…




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