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Transforming your ideas into amazing records, one song at a time.


I make records that are so pretty, they’ll make your new
listeners stop whatever they’re doing and listen like
it’s 1991 and Teen Spirit just started playing on the radio.

Borrow my ears.


Baptiste Sauvage, record producer, mixer, mixing engineer, songwriter, musician, the record maker, working in a beautiful recording studio in Paris. Lots of instruments around, keyboards, guitars, drum machines, and a big rack full of gear, preamps, compressors, EQs, delays, reverbs, patch bay, cables...


True story.


Nine years ago, a prominent Parisian studio owner asked my twenty-one-year-old self to engineer sessions for an A-list pop artist.

At the time, I had no fuckin’ idea what I was doing.

But I put on my lucky shirt, set up the mics as best as I could, and a few weeks later, cashed the biggest check I had ever seen addressed to my name.

I’ve been making records ever since.

To date, I’ve produced, mixed and recorded tracks for mainstream pop acts, indie rock bands, bedroom pop singers (lots of bedroom pop), alt-jazz combos, and all kinds of songwriters.

But I could be full of shit, couldn’t I?


Baptiste Sauvage, record producer, mixing engineer in the studio. Wearing glasses, man bun, shirt with a pattern, in front of two computer screens displaying a recording session in Pro Tools, the industry standard software DAW    

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